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Thread: How to set server option using T-Sql ("user options")

  1. #1
    Gary Andrews Guest

    How to set server option using T-Sql ("user options")

    One of the configuration options that can be set for the server is called "user options". User options contains sub-options such as ansi_warnings, ansi_padding, ansi_nulls, arithabort, etc..

    Using T-SQL, how are these set?

    sp_configure 'user options', @configvalue = 'value'
    reconfigue with override

    i.e. Are the individual option values summed. Say I wanted to set ansi_warnings (whose value is 8) and ansi_nulls (whose value is 32) on and all other user options off. Then is my @configvalue 40?

    Sorry, but I don't feel BOL is clear on how to set these options.

    TIA Gary

  2. #2
    Pan Guest

    How to set server option using T-Sql ("user options") (reply)


    You're right that BOL is not clear about it. Your assumption is also right. The question arises why are doing this using T-sql and not EM?

    Gary Andrews at 7/31/2002 2:09:59 PM

    One of the configuration options that can be set for the server is called "user options". User options contains sub-options such as ansi_warnings, ansi_padding, ansi_nulls, arithabort, etc..

    Using T-SQL, how are these set?

    sp_configure 'user options', @configvalue = 'value'
    reconfigue with override

    i.e. Are the individual option values summed. Say I wanted to set ansi_warnings (whose value is 8) and ansi_nulls (whose value is 32) on and all other user options off. Then is my @configvalue 40?

    Sorry, but I don't feel BOL is clear on how to set these options.

    TIA Gary

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    newton, ma, usa

    i need help

    I am creating indexed view for sql server 2000. I need to set these options to on for index view to work. I tried this

    Alter Database v52devsq SET arithabort On
    Alter Database v52devsq SET ANSI_NULLS On
    Alter Database v52devsq SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL On
    Alter Database v52devsq SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER On

    But I get errors all over in the application
    SQL command executed: EXECUTE pr_ET_delExpense 837, 1177, 6667, 30, 16
    DELETE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORT'. Error Code SQL or AFX: -1
    Then I read that one needs to set these at the server level. But after reading BOL or MSDN I still cannot figure out how to do this. I need to use Transact SQL as I will need to put this as a script in the application build.
    Any help
    Last edited by sonaliak; 03-08-2004 at 11:36 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Just run set commands in query analyzer, check sql books online for syntax. I think you have to set them when create db.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    newton, ma, usa
    BOL is no help.. they do not have this specified.
    I need to set these 4 settings on the server level for index view to work and need it in transact sql.. its not in BOL.
    I figured out some part of it...
    arithabort is 64
    quoted identifier is 256
    ansi nulls 32
    concat null yields nills 4096
    and ansi warnings is 8

    this adds up to 4456
    So I did this connecting as MASTER
    sp_configure 'user options' , 4456

    I got rid of all other errors with arithabort and all EXCEPT

    the one with quoted identifier
    EXECUTE pr_ET_delExpense 837, 1177, 6667, 30, 16

    Server: Msg 1934, Level 16, State 1, Procedure pr_et_delExpense, Line 40
    DELETE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'.

    How do I fix this -
    I did as above server level setting
    I tried doing
    Alter Database v52devsq SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER On

    this one
    USE master
    EXEC sp_dboption 'v52devsq', 'quoted identifier', 'TRUE'

    also this one

    EXECUTE pr_ET_delExpense 837, 1177, 6667, 30, 16

    Non of this is working I keep getting error with
    quoted identifier. How do I fix it ?

    I created a test indexed view like this -

    /*Expenses both project Currency and Base Currency*/
    drop index iv_expenses.iv_expenses_idx
    DROP VIEW iv_expenses
    select work_id,Period_ID, sum(EDtl_ProjAmt) as expproj, sum(EDtl_BaseAmt) as expbase, count_big(*) as count
    from dbo.ETExpDTL , dbo.mwebwork, dbo.ETGLCMPNY, dbo.ETActivity, dbo.mwebFiscalPeriod
    where Work_ID= Act_Impt_ID and Act_ID=EDtl_Activity
    and work_entity_type in (3, 4) and Work_GLCompany = GLCo_Company
    and EDtl_TranDate between Period_Start and Period_Finish
    and Period_Level = 3
    GROUP BY work_id, Period_ID

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX iv_expenses_idx ON iv_expenses (Work_ID, period_id)

    Any help ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    You can set those options in enterprise manager as well.

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